Monday, March 24, 2008

go home early

On weekdays, I don't get home till around 7.30 in the evening, that's because I don't get to work till 9am on most days unless someone schedules an 8 or 8.30am meeting. But they should know better by now.

And so da boy and I don't eat dinner till 8.15pm and he goes to bed shortly after that while I stayed up till 11pm.

"We don't hardly spend enough time together in the evening" - we both said.

This morning I was woken up at 5am. Yes 5AM. I got to work at 7.45am. The last time I was in the office before 8 was when my clients are in town.

The minute I turn on my tablet, I got an IM from my team member:

Coworker, Jason says:
when (time < 9:45 && asoonLoggedIn == true) { suspect_something; }
Me, Asoon says:
if (time < 9.45 && asoonpresent ==true)
{buy her breakfast}


cybr said...

If that snippet of code works, you could make millions!

And why do I have to use Blogger to leave you comments???

asoon said...

sup cybr!
login is required for comments to prevent trolls from leaving nasty messages

maybe i'll change it for a little bit and see what happens.

sorry bout your case of flu and sickness after you visit KL, must be something to do with the water. sucks!

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Good comeback! You're too funny!