Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Food journal - May 13th, 2008

Woke up with my ears and throat sore, and nose is still runny. So I decided to stay put and work from home instead.


  1. PB and J
I've read that peanut butter contains carcinogen, and this weekend while at Whole Foods I saw almond butter and cashew butter, and sounds like those two might be a better alternative than peanut butter. Does anyone know how the taste of the different {nut} butters are compared to peanut butter?

  1. Breyer's YoCrunch - yogurt with granola crunch on top
  2. Special K blueberry breakfast bar

  1. Kashi Pesto Pasta Primavera
  2. Leftover BBQ Chicken - 2 legs and a wing

1 comment:

Fashion Kitteh said...

i bought the almond butter from whole foods. It's the all natural kind where the oil floats up at the top and you'd have to stir it before applying the spread. That stuff is not as nutty and sweet as pb, but it is so sticky it clams your mouth shut for like a whole 10mins while chewing on the bread. Kinda odd texture...