Wednesday, March 19, 2008

empty reader

My Google reader is empty and I need something to read when my mind needs to take a break.

Right now my RSS subscriptions consist of:
1. German car blog
2. Sartorialist
3. Life in a venti cup
4. Apartment therapy
5. Ljcfyi
6. Blue art studio
7. This young house
8. How about orange
9. Ikea hacker
10. Making it lovely
11. Design and production tips & techniques
12. St. Louis real estate
14. Rasa Malaysia
+ other personal blogs

I need some recommendations. What other site(s) should I check out?


Mutha Mae said...

Can't RSS it, but I am in love with this guy!

Altho he'd never love me back!

Names Don said...

Whew, where do I start, I think at last count I follow maybe 100 feeds. I notice you do not follow any technology or industry blogs. Some of my favorites:

Managing the Gray
Gizmodo (gadget blog)

Jeremiah Owyang
Robert Scoble
Alex Balk
Guy Kawasaki
Jason Kottke
Evan Williams
Jessica Mah
Sarah Meyers

I also follow Gadling for travel stories.

I can email you links if you have trouble finding them in Google.

These WILL keep you busy :)

asoon said...

Mae, that guy is crazy!

Don, thanks for the links. There is only so much Jowyang one can take, great guy but he is everywhere.

I also check autoblog, engadget and /. daily. they are just not in my reader for some unknown reason.

Sarah with a Sweet Tooth said...

I also read boing boing, but i can rarely keep up - they post all the time!!!

The wall street journal is the other one I can't keep up with, even though you can only read the headlines, you get the point most of the time.

asoon said...

Thanks for all the recommendations I will have to check out all of them.